Friday, September 23, 2011

From froyo to gingerbread :)

Well as you all know that i had bought galaxy samsung ace.. :) awesome phone.. :D :D

And now samsung has done it again that it has upgraded the OS software.. :) yaay!
earlier the unofficial version was out.. now the official version has also come.

the procedure is very easy.. you dont have to do anything.. (something ofcourse :P )

1) download samsung kies..
2) connect your phone with your samung phone..
3) it will automatically let you know that you OS version is old and you need to upgrade to new one.. :)
  a) please keep it in mind that you phone needs to be 100% charged.
4) rest will be done..


1) your phone becomes faster.
2) some wifi problem in my phone has been removed..
3) battery backup has improved.
4) new interface.. (best part.. :D :))

so go ahead and enjoy the new gingerbread world.. :)

Monday, August 22, 2011

The Jan Lokpal bill and its shortcomings.

I support the Janlokpal bill.. like all the bills the IAC(India Against Corruption) version has its shortcomings.. which should be known by Indians and we need to pause and reflect before making such a haste in passing the bill..

i would directly come to the points..

1) The main point is that the judiciary exercises its own independence and freedom in our democracy.. without any influence from government so why should it come under the ambit of lokpal bill. and its decisions be influenced by a committee.

2) The committee formed does not include any government official.. (Is it in our favour.. i dont think so.. )
. right now.. people trust.. Anna Hazare, Kiran Bedi and Arvind kejriwal.. So i can take that for 10 years this committee will work flawlessly but what after that.. people need to understand that this committee will have almost every power and one step above the Government. (with great power comes great greed). we all know that.. looking at the current scenario.. this committee will also be corrupt after 10 years of time (no provisions have been made for that). And if this committee becomes corrupt there can be monarchy of this committee and no aam aadmi would be able to even protest against it.( i know you may think that this may not happen, but what if it happens :o)

3) we all can see that this committee wants to eradicate the upper level corruption by all the search warrants.. i don't see where it removes the corruption from the grass root level.. so why mislead the people saying that it will remove the corruption..It is we who are corrupt from inside.. people need redemption from all such scams and hence they are favoring this bill without thinking about its implication..

There are laws against Corruption.. if you want you can make them more strict.. there is no need for an extra bill or committee.. even if we need it, it should not be at the stake of our democracy.. i just want people to read and understand.. i know there is difference between the bill proposed by the Govt and IAC.. wouldnt it be better if we read the differences ourselves..? I think we are more educated than to just follow...

Its not about today.. its about our future..

Thursday, August 11, 2011

New Phone. :D

I am sorry to have ditched Nokia.. but what to do, i wanted to use android badly..

So obviously i have bought an android phone.. :D and its amazing.. :D i love it.. it may not have some features that nokia had.. but it is lovely.. the user interface.. it feels like soo different.. i have had different nokia phones since 2004.. i was bored with their symbian os.. i always changed my phone so that i can have something different but there was nothing.. even the touch phone was boring.. 

After too much of boredom i decided to switch onto android.. now i had to see the cheap phone with all the functionalities since i had bought nokia e 72 just 6 months back.. and my parents were furious with the idea of buying a new phone.. but there is always an upperhand when you earn.. :P :D

soo!! i did a research.. and bought samsung galaxy ace.. it might be lacking in some features but i tell you android is an android..

advantages of an android phone is the connectivity with the internet.. its so easy.. the first time i put my sim into the phone.. i did not have to set any network settings.. everything was there on the platter.. unlike nokia in which i kept trying to connect to internet but it was always so difficult.. (purely my experience, i dont want to generalise it).

since it works on open source.. you have everything on your phone.. you will find solution to any problem in your phone along with three or four versions.. which was not there in symbian.. of course..

It has some disadvantages too.. like the battery.. 1350 mah is pretty less for an android phone.. because of its continuous connectivity of course.. so i would suggest you to go for atleast 1500 mah..and its RAM and ROM is pretty less.. which the samsung has said will be improved with the new gingerbread upgrade..

I am looking forward to the new gingerbread update.. :) 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

3G in Vodafone

So the wait for 3G has been finished. Vodafone has launched 3G on trial basis.

You can activate it by messaging ACT 3G to 144 and it will be activated. For deactivation you will have to message CAN 3G on the same number.

Since it has been launched on trial basis, tariff is same as the 2G GPRS but it may change when vodafone will formally announce its launch. And it may happen that the speed may sometimes vary because of the same reason.

But it is fun to use 3G and you can easily see the difference between 2G and 3G.

A blog about blog. ;)

This blog is just to encourage people to write blogs. I want to share my experience.

At first i thought why do i need to write. Even to share my views and thoughts, I have friends and I am happy being with them. Why do I require all this. And more of it I thought I was a bad writer. But then my friends encouraged me I thought of giving it a shot.

And i loved writing it. It was like an outlet where i could pour all my feelings and there was noone to comment about it. nobody to tell me that there is something wrong with what I wrote, the way I wrote. (not that i cannot take criticism) but the blog is only between me and blog.

Plus people may get benefit from whatever experiences I have had. So, there is no harm n writing and letting the world know what you think. We live in a free world and have a right to speech. :)

Monday, February 28, 2011

Being a Girl.. Is it a curse....

I keep thinking what is it that makes a girl feels like that. Is it only in India or abroad too. Well i have no idea about the culture abroad but i am very much aware about India.

In India people are more bothered about others and not about themselves because they feel that their life is perfect and they are needed to make other lives perfect. You might think this funny but this is actually the scene.

A girl in India has to fight from right in the beginning. For her birth, For her studies, for her education. Here they are treated as mere commodities who are required to do all the labour work. Those who are uneducated feel that they need not educate their girl because ultimately she is going to get married so what benefit will that bring to their family. And those who are educated think that the girl should be educated so that she can get a better Husband.

I love the indian culture bur this whole gender inequality thing will take time. When will the people realise that there is more to a life than being a house wife. They are eqally competent. Let them go and choose their dreams.

Here you cannot stay alone for your whole life and hence you need to be married and raise children before you die of your old age in some old age home. That too is not guranteed since, you know today's generation.
For that girls have to get married as soon as possible( no clue why?) otherwise it would not be considered good for the society.

It is time that girls need to raise their voice and make people realise that life is just not for others.

All the best!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What was i missing?

I woke up in the morning and started with my chores but i knew that there was something missing. My roommate cooked food for me and she left. I was getting late and hence took a look at my wall clock and tried to finish everyhting in time. And even though i knew i could get late i thought no worries i could take a metro train and reach half an hour late. Big Deal!! No body cares.

Then i was running towards the bus stop, panting! just to get that bus on time. That bus comes early when i am late, and comes late when i am early. I keep thinking how does these ironical things occur and that too all the time. Who watches us and make such things possible or is it just in our head that we get paranoid (may be because of our job, in my case.. :P your case can be different..) and start thinking or even imagining that the whole universe in conspiring against us ;)

finally i got into that bus, and got a place in the front. We have to stand by balancing ourselves otherwise we could be out of the door at any point of time. I was standing there and looking at people and thinking that they are going to different places some to work and some to colleges. and then i saw a security guard looking at his watcha all the time and cycling at full speed( if it would have been a car he would have flown it.. ;)). And then i realised that i was missing the importance of time.

Time is important to everybody , we believe or not. At first we waste our time and then we crib that we dont have time either for office , for family or for us. I took a resolution to get up and reach office on time so that i can finish my work and then get the whole time for whatever i feel like doing. :)

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Mobile Number Portablity ( From Aircel to Vodafone)

MNP came on 20th and i ran to the vodafone store to get my operator changed but i was not aware of the challenges which came on my way.

We have to message PORT [your number] to 1900 and i messaged but i think aircel didnt want to let me go and hence it messaged my unique ID very late, which is very mandatory for this procedure. And dont forget to take your id proof along with one photograph. After you fill all the forms they will give you their own simcard and tell you that this will become active in 7 days. Mind IT!! 7 days.. :P because it did not happen in 7 days.. :P I again had to go to the vodafone store and told them that this is not done. They sent me home saying that there is some technical fault and it will take aroun 7 more days. :-o. And then one fine day!! which came almost after 10 days. My sim card registeration failed and Vodafone sim was activated, i was so happy that i cant tell you. :P But then.....

People randomly called up my room-mate telling me that my number was not existing and i was like WTH! :D and then i realised that people were not able to call me, but i was able to call everyone only if i had balance. You will get yoour vodafone activated with 2 rs balance and pay per second calling. I thought let me recharge it online but then the transactions failed because i was not able to get the messages. And even e reacharge was not able to help, sadly, i spent around rs 500 on such things and then finally i had to go to a shop and get the scratch card and then only i got it working. So, i was like crippled for almost 2 days. Some of my friends who are out of station are still not able to call me.

But this was not it. I had heard that vodafone is famous for its GPRS so i wanted to activate it on my phone. I called customer care. They told me to message ACT VL to 144, which i did and then i had to message S [your IMEI number] to 52586. After these series of events i got the settings and saved them. But still my GPRS is not working. I keep calling customer care but they are not able to help. And the network isnt good, like I expected.

I am not still not able to make out that which is worse, Aircel or Vodafone but i will have to say that i miss my Aircel because of its schemes and GPRS. It was cheaper with the same quality of network. So this blog was to aware you about the loopholes in the procedures if you go for MNP.
All the best.. :)

Monday, February 7, 2011

New Phones and Confusions

To find a new Phone is a very tiring job.. Since you need time and mind to decide what your wants and needs are. If you go by the needs you can easily find a new phone but if you go by the wants you will be engulfed in a vicious circle like me.. :D

Like any other person i am a fan of Nokia and cant give up that brand easily because of its durability. According to me no other brand can provide such a strong phone. I was going to buy a Nokia phone when Android came into existence and i was left in confusion. What to do now? Go for an android but then i will have to leave Nokia  and switch to Samsung or LG or Even HTC. 

I will help you out in this confusion. Samsung, LG and HTC are good phones but they are not as sturdy as Nokia. And i am one person who is very careless with her phones, so need no 1) was that phone has to be strong and durable. Second, Android was coming in touch-phones. I already had Nokia N 97 and was in no mood to buy another touch phone. Again i like to chat very much so my another need was that i needed a keypad.. it could be of any kind but i needed that desperately. So Touch Phones were ruled out, at that time i could have gone for Motorola but they were not as attractive as other phones and i was not too sure if i could handle Motorola flip out with its uncomfortable design. Third need was stand by time.. i talk a lot too, I need a phone with good battery. And since Android is a very interactive OS that takes a lot of battery, which is not able to last long. 

I so desperately wanted an Android phone but needs were more important than wants and hence i went for Nokia E 72 and i am in love with it. It may not have a very playful OS but it is not less that Android.
Plus i get a qwerty along with 1500 MAH battery and a 5 MP camera and i don't regret my decision at all.
So go and figure out your wants and needs and you will be able to buy a new phone and never regret it.
All the best! :)